Jumat, 12 Juli 2019

blade Choose A Shower Cubicle Or Shower Baths


The last thing you want to do is to put a bath tap in where you cant control hot and cold water coming out which could result in a shock of hot water or cold water.

What makes us refreshed on a morning or what makes us unwind in the evening depends on the individual person. Some people enjoy listening music as they feel this is what gets them unwind after a hard days work. But not everyone likes that style of relaxing. I prefer a warm shower with a bit of pressure running down my back and I think quite a few people like this way of winding down.

But what if you enjoy having a shower but you also have young children then putting a shower cubicle is not the best of choices. Let me give you an insight into what could happen. If you have young children, then your partner will have to some point wash and bath your children. If you only have the shower cubicle then the water is going to be pouring out onto the bathroom floor. If you have the bathroom upstairs inevitably the water will make it down to the ground floor which could over time cause some serious internal problems such as water marked ceiling and if you have wall papers, over time these will start peeling off.

The only way you could prevent internal structure damage is that if you are wanting to put your bathroom upstairs make sure you put an under floor sheet called hardy back. This type of flooring can keep on sucking water for up to ten years. It is water proof and extremely durable in terms of you can either put tiles on the top or any other piece of flooring on top of it.

How ever with a shower bath if you have young children you can prevent any water spillage on the bathroom floor as there is a screen to keep the water in the bath. Where as the shower cubicle does not have the shower screen guard, well it does but that means you wouldnt be able to wash your children who would be in side the cubicle.

Also children especially young children are scared into going into a shower cubicle. They much prefer the bath where they go inside it but its not covering them. You dont always require a shower, you may sometimes want a simple relaxing bath, or a good old soaking and thats where the bath really comes in handy and not a shower. The reason is because in the shower you are always sating up and youre not really relaxing and you dont get to stop moving about. But in the bath you can sit down covered in warm water to really have a good soak in.

How ever if you are a parent and you dont have the big space in the bathroom I would suggest going for the bath shower or just a traditional bath. The reason is because its not only you that will be having a clean in the water but your whole family from the young and old. When putting a bath in make sure you put the bath shower mixer tap kit in. The reason is because with this type of tap you can mix your hot and cold water to suit your needs, then you can fill your bath and you can also have a shower.

Choose A Shower Cubicle Or Shower Baths
Choose A Shower Cubicle Or Shower Baths
Choose A Shower Cubicle Or Shower Baths
Choose A Shower Cubicle Or Shower Baths

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