Minggu, 08 Desember 2019

blade Tiling a Shower or Wet Room


Whether you are doing it yourself, or hiring an expert totile your shower cubicle or wet room, there are so many options available. Frommaterials and colours to textures and patterns, there are li...

Whether you are doing it yourself, or hiring an expert totile your shower cubicle or wet room, there are so many options available. Frommaterials and colours to textures and patterns, there are literally dozens ofways you can create a shower or wet room that is unique to your home.


There are three main types of bathroom floor tiles to choose from. Ceramic isthe most common material used for shower walls. Not only is ceramic waterresistant, it can be dyed almost any colour. These tiles may chip more easilythan those made of other materials. However, they can be easily repaired orreplaced.

Stone can give your shower or wet room a natural, earthy feel while at the sametime a luxurious look. This material normally comes in natural colours and canbe made of granite or marble, among other types of stone. Depending on the typeof stone you choose and how much you need, stone tile can be a more expensivechoice.

Glass is often ideal for mosaic tiles. It comes in so many different shapes,sizes and colours that the pattern possibilities are almost endless. Glasstiles can add a punch of colour to a bathroom and create a fun atmosphere.


Bathroom floor tiles come in almost any colour you can imagine. If you arematching your bathroom to the design of the rest of your home, you may want toconsider which colours go well with your decor. Natural, subdued colours canbring a peaceful feel to the room while a few collared details can addcharacter.

If you opt for brighter colours, you may consider using mosaic tiles to createa pattern. This can add detail and interest without overwhelming the eye withtoo much colour.


Bathroom floor tiles are usually smooth or only slightly textured. Smooth tileshave a polished look while textured ones have a more natural feel.

You can add more and stronger textures on a pattern around the top of your wetroom wall. This will add a subtle design and can define the area. The texture youchoose will depend on the overall look of the room. Sometimes a moreexaggerated texture can give a bathroom a more relaxed, natural feel whilesofter textures give it a more sophisticated feel.


Patterns can be created in your shower cubicle or wet room by alternatingcolours or textures. You can go with a geometric pattern that wraps around theentire wet room, or you can choose to create a mosaic on one wall. Either way,patterns add interest and personality to a bathroom.

Shower cubicles and wet rooms need to be both practical and comfortable. If youare adding tile to your shower cubicle or wet room, use the materials, colours,textures and patterns to create a unique and comfortable space.

Tiling a Shower or Wet Room
Tiling a Shower or Wet Room
Tiling a Shower or Wet Room
Tiling a Shower or Wet Room

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