Senin, 13 April 2020

samurai How to Plan a Budget Bridal Shower


There is little doubt that the cost of weddings and bridal showers have gone up considerably over the past couple of decades. This has led more couples to find ways to save money when planning the happy event. The traditional bridal shower is one way where couples can budget their money effectively.

Here are few ways that brides can get the most out of their bridal showers without having to spend a great deal of money in the process.

Set a Budget

It’s one thing to have an idea of how much you want to spend, it is another to actually write it down and stick to it. In preparing your budget, be sure that you go over all the expenses and find ways to save money. By doing so, you can spend even less while getting the most for what you have purchased.


The easiest way to save money is to throw your bridal shower in the comfort of your own home. However, if that is not possible due to the size of your place or the location, the next step is to find a friend or relative who is willing to share their home for a few hours so that you can have your bridal shower. You can offer the person that owns the home an inexpensive gift as a thank you.

If you cannot find a home, then search for a community or meeting room that is owned by a non-profit organization. They often have meeting spaces for low rates, especially if it’s only a few hours and you’ll be cleaning up afterwards.


What was once an expensive part of the bridal shower is now one of the least expensive as you can send out your invites through email or create a Facebook event page so that everyone will know. For those who may not use the internet on a regular basis and might miss out on your invites, you can always find online printing companies that will operate within a small budget to create beautiful invitations. You can even make them yourself if you want and save even more money.

Food & Drink

Since a shower is only going to last a few hours, it is best to prepare simple appetizers along with an alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink. There are plenty of different recipes to create delicious appetizers that are simple to make. Plus, you can create both types of drinks from the same punch recipe and just add alcohol to one of them, just remember which is which. Also, you’ll need dishes and glasses as well, but you can either use your own or borrow from those who have a proper set.

Decorations & Games

A party supply store will have everything you need at a low price which includes balloons, garlands, confetti and whatever else you want to decorate the venue. A particular theme works quite well, especially if you can fit in inexpensive items as part of the decoration process. There are many fun bridal shower games that you can play as well, starting with the famous “toilet paper wedding dress” which will cost very little money, but offers a great deal of fun.

All in all, by setting a budget you can still have a great bridal shower with money left to spare.

How to Plan a Budget Bridal Shower
How to Plan a Budget Bridal Shower
How to Plan a Budget Bridal Shower
How to Plan a Budget Bridal Shower

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