Sabtu, 02 Mei 2020

blade The Magic Shower


The Magic Shower is how I refer to my shower every morning. This is simply because it is the place were I become totally relaxed and start to bring to mind how I would like to feel, act, and achieve for the day.

Hi Friend,

The Magic Shower is how I refer to my shower every morning.

This is simply because it is the place were I become totally relaxed and start to bring to mind how I would like to feel, act, and achieve for the day.

Some people may call this a trigger or a place that you have deliberately set up so you can check in with yourself on a daily basis.

Which by the way, is the most important thing you could ever start doing to help you stay on track with your life.

It is also awesome for those of you who still believe in the time thief fairy because you can do two things at once.

This morning while in the magic shower, I started mentally rehearsing -seeing myself presenting the Keep fit and Healthy in Body and Mind one of our seminars that we run.

While doing this, I felt so energized and excited about how I get to do what I truly love in life and acknowledging how proud I was of myself for doing the work to get their, that I started to cry.

The reason I started crying was out of total JOY and excitement.

Why? Because I was allowing myself to feel 100% passionate and deserving of what I truly want from my life.

The amazing breakthrough though came right after I finished crying. It was then that I realised, that I was no longer holding myself ransom to my past experiences.

What I mean by this is, I no longer felt like my old beliefs about myself were true anymore.

I had actually made the transition from knowing it in theory, to knowing it in my heart. I guess that's why they say, from your head to your heart is the longest journey of all.

But It was another example for me, that if you are gentle with yourself, patient with yourself, while consistently working on yourself, change will happen.

If we try and force things to change or expect to have a quick "fix over night", you will not make any real lasting changes.

Ask yourself this question.

If you wanted to live on the land and become a farmer, would you just go out & plant one lot of crops or work just one day and expect to see the rewards forever?

Your life is like a Farm and you are the Farmer. You are going to have to plant seeds daily while being consistent, courageous, patient and enjoying the process to reap the rewards.

Lesson For The Week

If you want your life to change, but keep doing the same old, same old, you will be consistently living in a state of disappointment.

Action For The Week.

Make the effort today to find 10 mins to sit-down and write some small promises that you have been avoiding to do. These are the things that you know are fundamental to making the changes in your life.

Article Tags: Magic Shower

The Magic Shower
The Magic Shower
The Magic Shower
The Magic Shower

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