Selasa, 04 Agustus 2020

blade Tips on Transforming Your Bath


Everyone knows how luxurious a relaxing, deep, hot bath can be. These days we often want a quick and thorough wash but just don't have to time to run a bath and soak our troubles (and the dirt!) away. However, there is an easy solution. By installing a shower and bath screen over your bath you can keep the luxury of your bath and have the convenience of a shower.

Is Your Bath Suitable?

Before you buy a new shower and bath screen it is advisable to check the suitability of your existing bath. Modern showers can really pack a punch when it comes to delivering water and this force may be enough to move the bath screen out of position just enough to cause water to either drip or flow over the edge of the bath and onto the floor. Naturally, the purpose of a bath screen is to deflect water from the shower and disperse it back into the bath. Your bath may have raised or depressed handles. Both will impede the effectiveness of the screen's seal. Or your bath may have a rounded or bevelled edge or rim instead of a flat one. Bath screens are at their most effective when placed along a horizontal, flat-rimmed bath. The wall your shower is fitted on as well as the surrounding walls must be tiled or waterproofed and, although bath screens are relatively lightweight, sturdy and supportive.

What Type of Screen?

Modern bath screens not only look classy they are highly durable. Made toughened safety glass they add a bright and airy feel to any bathroom, creating a sense of spaciousness, something a shower curtain just can't do. There are various types of glass to choose from: clear, frosted or patterened, and different designs including square or round cornered, single or multi-sectioned. One of the most popular type these days is the four-fold. Single bath screens, whilst effective and stylish, fold inwards towards the bath like a gate. Four-fold screens however, employ a "concertina" action: when they are not required they simply fold back against the wall. They not only look good, they are compact, neat, space-saving and hence highly practical. They make it easier to get in and out of your bath when you choose to have one. Bath screens are easy to install, easy to clean and are much more hygenic than curtains, which are prone to mildew. For your peace of mind, check that your choice of screen is made from toughened safety glass.

The Best of Both Worlds

What if you really want to have a regular size shower but want a bath as well? Smaller bathrooms will struggle to accomodate two separate units. The answer is a shower bath! Shower baths are combination units that have a distinctive P-shape design. The taps end of the bath looks like a normal bath, but the shower end is slightly "bowled", hence the P-shape. That means more room to move around. They come complete with a fitted screen and your choice of shower. With a shower bath you can have a full size bath and what is essentially a spacious shower enclosure. The additional space a shower bath occupies is marginally more than a regular full size bath so will fit in the average size bathroom with ease.

Article Tags: Bath Screen, Bath Screens, Shower Bath

Tips on Transforming Your Bath
Tips on Transforming Your Bath
Tips on Transforming Your Bath
Tips on Transforming Your Bath

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