Kamis, 15 Oktober 2020

samurai Is Your Water Filter Protecting You?


Protecting our health is important. Investing in water purification products is a common way to do that. Whether investing in the best drinking water filters such as under sink water filters, shower head filters or even pure water filters, water purification systems for the home is important today. The simple and sad truth is there is too much contamination in our reservoirs and without a proper filter, you are not protected!

Most of the reservoirs are beyond the point where they can be repaired and made safe. Decades have been spent pumping toxic chemicals into our water supply and we cannot trust that all of these contaminate and chemicals are removed. Additionally, cities are beginning to use chloramines instead of chlorine to disinfect water! The chloramines, when exposed to some organic compounds convert into a carcinogenic compound!

Whole house water filtration systems can protect the members of the home from the 80,000 chemicals that are commonly found in tap water. Many of these chemicals are known carcinogens including the chemicals added to the water to disinfect it. Installing home filter systems can greatly reduce the constant flow of chemical contaminates that come into your home. Additionally they can remove chloramines, fluoride and can remove arsenic from water. Either under the sink or whole house water filters can be used to remove lead from your pipes since they contain lead solder, thus making the water safe for your family.

Whole house water filtration systems provide the protection you need by being installed at the hookup from the public utilities into the home. The better systems come equipped with distinctly different filters to offer multiple blocks to chemicals, heavy metals and sediments as well as contaminates. The higher quality whole house water filtration systems use a micron filter to trap parasites and cysts as well as balancing the ph levels of your water.

Homes need to protect their families from the water they drink as well as the water that is used for showers, bathing, washing dishes and washing clothing. The skin absorbs chemicals and toxins it is exposed to including the chemicals and toxins that are in our water. Consider this when taking your morning shower or bathing your children at night; what is in your water?

Symptoms such as dry skin, rashes, asthma and other respiratory ailments and many cancers can be caused by the toxins and contaminates that are in the public water system. Purification systems are now a necessary part of our lives; we cannot continue to drink unfiltered water hoping we will not get sick. The truth is, the water is not getting better and little can be or will be done to improve the situation. It is up to us to protect our families with home water filters.

Is Your Water Filter Protecting You?
Is Your Water Filter Protecting You?
Is Your Water Filter Protecting You?
Is Your Water Filter Protecting You?

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