Kamis, 19 November 2020

blade Planning A Bridal Shower Is Hard Work


Bridal shower invitations are fun, buoyant, and great to uplift a tired would-be guest out of a bad day. However, the invitations always fail to mention the hard work that went into the bridal shower. The Maid of Honor, or bride, has often spent several hours or days on the preparations for the bridal shower, and its no fun when people show up and dont appreciate it. Act the part of the responsible, polite guest and seek out the Maid of Honor on arrival.

Thank her for her warmness, kindness, and spirit of giving in setting up the wonderful bridal shower. For example, shes already topped the tables, set up the centerpiece, sprinkled the table with confetti, prepared and purchased bridal shower favors, created place cards, covered the table, prepared the games list and set up and purchased the games themselves, prepared the beverages and food, bought the movies, organized the home, decorated the home, procured all the brides friends names, and sent out the invitations.

There are many games that can help keep the mood open and friendly. The Maid of Honor could be exhausted and fun games will uplift her and encourage her to be friends with all the great guests that have arrived at the party, per her invitations of course. Since she sent out the invitations, its only appropriate that she should get to know all the guests. She may have procured the list of addresses from the bride, and she may not know any of the guests, and thats plain silly. The games encourage each party member to get to know each other party member. Some funny games are practiced at most bridal showers.

For example, the toilet paper bride is a classic game. The guest members are divided into teams and theyre each given a bride. Both teams get about 30 minutes to cover the bride in toilet paper. The toilet paper has to be wet first. The team with the wettest toilet paper bride wins the game. Funnily enough, this has been a common practice for decades. Hand it to bridal shower parties for being a little weird. Maybe theyve been drinking a little too much of the punch or imbibing a little much. Who knows?

Scavenger hunts, clothespin games, board games, movie trivia games, and chick flick viewings are other common occurrences at bridal showers, and theres no need to forewarn the guests, unless of course they dont like surprises. The best solution is to include a sample list of all the festivities at the end of the bridal shower invitations. Better safe than sorry, of course!

Planning A Bridal Shower Is Hard Work
Planning A Bridal Shower Is Hard Work
Planning A Bridal Shower Is Hard Work
Planning A Bridal Shower Is Hard Work

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