Senin, 28 Desember 2020

blade Colon and Blood Cleansing Naturally


If you favor a nice clean shower to cleanse your skin, then, practice an internal cleanse to keep your colon and your blood clean. You can do this very simply by following your own body cycles. Discover in this article how you can do this.

If you think that cleansing out your colon and blood is an exotic practice, take another look at why you need to do this. Just like you take a shower everyday, as you should, you should cleanse internally every day and especially the colon. By concentrating on the colon you automatically help cleanse your blood, if you do it right

So how do you cleanse yourself internally everyday? You do this in two ways. First you need to follow your own body cycles and help them achieve what they are trying to do. Then you need to provide the substances to do the cleaning.

Body Cycles

The body has three major cycles that it follows. In the morning until noon it is trying to cleanse itself of the chemicals and toxins it has collected from the various parts of your body, during the time you were asleep. From noon time to nine in the evening, your body is digesting and absorbing the food that you have eaten during lunch and dinner.

So the cycle to concentrate on for a daily colon and blood cleansing is from the time you wake up to noon time. It is this time that your body is trying to eliminate urine and fecal matter. Any thing that you do to prevent this cleanse with drastically affect your health. To help yourself during this morning cycle, you need to eat and drink only those foods that will digest within hours. If you drink water or juice - fruit or vegetable - when first getting up that liquid will come out of your body with an hour or so. This helps your body pull out any toxins it is waiting to eliminate. If you eat fruits or vegetables with their high source of minerals, vitamins, and fiber, you are activating peristaltic action in your colon and this helps to push through any fecal matter waiting to move out of your body.

By provide only those foods that are digested quickly you can help your body cleanse it. But if you eat those foods that take 3-4 hours to digest you're hampering your cleansing body cycle and are promoting future diseases since those toxins and chemicals that are not good for you remain in your body and are stored as fat or toxin matter. So, avoid eating eggs, potatoes, sausage, ham, bread, butter, milk - the all American breakfast - during the morning. If you do you will start to feel healthier and perhaps start to lose weight.

When you drink juices and eat fruits in the morning you not only actives the elimination factions, but you provide your body with minerals. It is these minerals that when in the blood and lymph, they will neutralize acid waste which has the effect of a blood and lymph cleansing action.

So take a cue from your body, which knows what it doing, and follow along and give a helping hand. Eat and drink fruits and vegetables in the morning to cleanse the colon and the blood. Eating like this will help you keep clean inside just like when you shower to keep clean outside.

Article Tags: Blood Cleansing, Those Foods

Colon and Blood Cleansing Naturally
Colon and Blood Cleansing Naturally
Colon and Blood Cleansing Naturally
Colon and Blood Cleansing Naturally

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