Jumat, 10 Januari 2020

samurai Water Heater Woes with Guests


When you have company over for the holidays, you may find your water heater doesn't have enough capacity to give everyone a hot shower.

Your house is full for the holidays. In-laws are over and more cousins than you can count are racing up and down the stairs chasing each other in a game of tag. It's too cold outside for everyone to play outdoors, so the house is overflowing with people. Since you have decided to extend holiday cheer and help your relatives save a little bit of money, you have also opened up your home to let people stay there while they visit. Guest bedrooms have been made up and the guest towels are being used up. It is jolly to have a house full of loved ones and Christmas is very merry indeed.

The next day, you wake up and putter about the house. You get a few things done while everyone else has a shower and readies themselves for the day. Once again, the house is bustling with activity and joy. There are plans to visit grandma across town this afternoon. She likes to serve Christmas tea and read the Christmas story. As the line to the bathroom slows down, you decide to head up to your master bath and have a shower. The carefully folded guest towels are now strewn haphazardly in the laundry room and everyone smells clean. You jump in the shower and turn on the hot water. As the steam rises around you, you let you head fall back and relax under the warm spray.

Suddenly, you are jolted awake by a jet stream of freezing cold water. The hot water has run out. Your water heater is big enough to last for your family, but all of the extra cousins and in-laws have maxed out and tapped out the hot water supply. You finish your shower quickly and grumble about the water heater while rinsing soap from your eyes with freezing cold water.

For many families, this is a common occurrence during the holiday season or any time they have extra guests in their home. Your water heater may be a good size for you and your family, but if you add extra guests, you shouldn't be surprised when hot water runs out more quickly. This is usually an inconvenience that is only suffered through during special occasions. For the rest of the year, you enjoy steaming hot showers and are not worried about being jolted awake with a freezing stream. Next year, just make sure you get in the shower before that line of cousins.

Article Tags: Water Heater

Water Heater Woes with Guests
Water Heater Woes with Guests
Water Heater Woes with Guests
Water Heater Woes with Guests

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