Rabu, 26 Februari 2020

samurai Shower filters: Softer Skin and Hair!


A shower filter removes chlorine and other chemicals from yourshower water. This process has several benefits for better health andcosmetic benefits. Well discuss a few of them here. A good sh...

A shower filter removes chlorine and other chemicals from yourshower water. This process has several benefits for better health andcosmetic benefits. Well discuss a few of them here.
A good shower filter will remove chlorine and other impurities from the water coming from your shower.

Chlorine is harmful in two ways while showering. It is inhaled through the steam in the shower and is absorbed into your skin.
Chlorine is needed to clean the water in many areas, but it is aharmful chemical that has been shown to cause damage in several ways.
The chlorine levels in many water sources are higher than the levelsrecommended for swimming pools. This chemical exists in a higherconcentration in steam from a hot shower than in other tap water. Thevapors remain after the water has gone down the drain.
Chlorine has been linked to asthma, certain cancers and is a skin irritant, aggravating conditions such as eczema.
A good shower filter can eliminate this threat to your familys health.

Chlorine is damaging to the skin and hair.

Excessive chlorine in your water will strip the natural oils from your hair.
You have probably seen this effect of chlorine on your hair afterswimming. You may have noticed this same drying effect after showering.The hair feels hard after washing, even after conditioning.

You may notice increased flaking on your scalp. With a shower filter toremove the chlorine, you will quickly find your hair retains moisturebetter and feel softer. The difference in your hair will be seen almostimmediately after the filter is installed in your shower.

Chlorine is damaging to the skin as well. The natural oils are stripped from your skin, leaving it feeling tightand dry. The drying effect on the skin over a period of time and canincrease the look of premature aging of the skin. You may experienceredness and irritation after showering in heavily chlorinated water. Ashower filter leaves your skin feeling softer and helps the skin retainmoisture.

There are many types of shower filters available. There are a few things to consider when choosing a filter. Shower filters are available in hand held and wall mounted varieties.Both can remove chlorine equally well and your preference is the mainconsideration here. Two stage and one stage filters are available. Twostage filters remove VOCs and other harmful chemicals in addition tochlorine.
Remember, your hair and skin is worth it. Use the best tools to keep you looking beautiful.

Shower filters: Softer Skin and Hair!
Shower filters: Softer Skin and Hair!
Shower filters: Softer Skin and Hair!
Shower filters: Softer Skin and Hair!

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