Selasa, 31 Maret 2020

samurai Bath Versus Shower Water Usage


Have you ever wondered whether or not a shower would usemore water than a bath? For people who want to help conserve water, or thosethat are just curious, this is the article for you.

With a focus on water conservation and everyone wanting togo "green" these days, people are starting to pay attention to someof the things they do every day and consider the consequences of their actionsin regards to water usage. No longer do the vast majority either ignore orsimple not care about our planet's resources. People are starting to wise up tothe finite nature of our water supply and the impact that water wasting nowwill have on future generations. One simple and very practical question thatpeople have asked is whether or not taking a bath consumes more water thantaking a shower.

To some, it seems that filling a tub once would consume lesswater than standing in a shower for 10 to 15 minutes. But there are others thatbelieve that a shower of reasonable duration would take far less water thanfilling a tub. So, who is right? Well the answer is, "it depends." Toanswer this question, we have to look at the type of shower head, the durationof the shower, and the resulting amount of water that is being used by bothapproaches to bathing.

First, let's get an accurate assessment of the water thatwill be consumed in a typical bath. A standard bath tub will hold between 33and 42 gallons of water. There are larger tubs that hold more, but this is avery common size for residential tubs. For our comparison, we will use 30gallons as the amount of water being used since people do not fill their tubstotally full due to water displacement and we want to make a fair andreasonably accurate comparison.

Next comes the shower data. This measurement requires us tomake certain assumptions in order to come up with a number. Not every showerhead dispenses the same amount of water per minute and not every shower is thesame duration of time. Let us make the assumption that an average shower isfifteen minutes in length. Women might take longer than that and men willprobably take less time, but it gives us an average that is probably reasonablefor our purposes and will illustrate our point. Now we will assume you areusing a modern low-flow shower head that dispenses one gallon of water perminute. There are models that use as little as a half gallon of water perminute that would save even more.

So, the bottom line is that an average bath will use about 30gallons of water and an average shower will only use about fifteen gallons. Itis obvious that the choice is pretty clear for those that want to conserveresources, a shower is the way to go. Again, this is all based on theassumption that you are using a low-flow shower head. If not, what are youwaiting for? Go to your nearest hardware store and pick one up today. They onlycost a few dollars and the difference you can make is substantial.

Article Tags: Water Usage, Shower Head

Bath Versus Shower Water Usage
Bath Versus Shower Water Usage
Bath Versus Shower Water Usage
Bath Versus Shower Water Usage

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