Selasa, 23 Juni 2020

samurai Dogs and Buried Bones


Every dog owner knows how great their little friendis. They always rush to you when you come home from a long day at work andshower you with affection, unlike many other animals that humans keep as pets.

While little Rover may tear up a shoe from time totime and make general madness around the house if youre gone too long, thereare certain things about dogs that some people just dont fully understand. Oneof these things is the practice of a dog burying a bone out in the yard.

The main reason that dogs bury bones is actually aforce of inherited behavior for a long ago past when dogs roamed the earthwild. You see, there was a time, thousands of years ago, when dogs had toscavenge and hunt for their food. When they were able to gather enough food tosatisfy their hunger at that moment, they would then bury the rest for later.This act of hoarding food allowed the dogs to roam the wilderness and neverhave to worry about whether or not they were going to eat later that day.

Todays dogs have been domesticated, so they donthave to worry about hoarding food at all, but the natural instinct still tellsthem that they need to make sure they have enough food just in case. The onlyreal problem is when Rover decides that your prized flower bed or garden is theproper place for him or her to bury that stash of extra food. There are ways ofgetting around that, though, and you can do a quick search on the internet tosee all the possible solutions that you have to keep Rover from digging up yourflowers and garden.

Dogs understand that theyll always have food in theirbowl when it comes time to eat, but their natural instincts still say to bemindful for when hard times might befall them. This is why they continue tobury bones and other tidbits of food from time to time.

Theres even a good chance that youre completelyunaware that your special little pooch is burying anything in your yard as theyllalways try to find a place that other animals wont dig in order to make surethey keep their buried treasure to themselves. Its just one of those thingsthat people will have to get used to when having a dog as a pet.

Dogs and Buried Bones
Dogs and Buried Bones
Dogs and Buried Bones
Dogs and Buried Bones

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