Sabtu, 18 Juli 2020

samurai A Shower Head Filter Protects You from Chemicals


People are looking for ways to relax and free themselves from the stressful day at home or at work.One of the most soothing forms of relaxation is a long steaming bubble bath in a big bathtub surrounded by foamy waters and sweet scents of rose petals.However, little did we all know that this wonderful setup could bring contamination in our body?Why is that likely to happen?

People are looking for ways to relax and free themselves from the stressful day at home or at work.The most sought after style of relaxing is a long bubble bath with all the works, from bubbles to smelly aroma of fresh flowers.However, little did we all know that this wonderful setup could bring contamination in our body?How is that so?

We are all familiar that running waters contain quite a lot of chemicals including chlorine and that these substances have several harmful effects in our body.Now, there is a solution to that dilemma.Shower head filters were made to filter running water from chlorine, preventing it from having contact with our body.These products came out due to studies that chlorine used to disinfect public water system brings bad effects when in contact with our bodies.Chlorine is breathed in when these are evaporated with hot water steam.In addition to that, pores in the skin opens up, easily absorb some of these harmful chemicals, and allows its entrance inside our body.

What then are the roles of shower head filters in preventing chlorine to get into our body system?Mainly, shower head filters are attached in shower heads to filter chlorine and creates clean flowing water for use in our body.Their great positive effects can be experienced in the long run of using chlorine free water.Our hair and skin will look great and moisturized and, our overall systems inside our body are not contaminated by the effects of chlorine.

There are four different types of shower heads filters.One type of shower head filter is the KDF, Berkey uses this, filters the running water electrochemically.This type of filter changes chlorine into a harmless material such as chloride.KDF has properties of zinc and copper that prevents mold or fungus to build up inside the filter.Magnates and Crystals are also types of shower head filters.This type of filter uses crystals and magnates to soften the water that pass through it.The third type and the simplest in all shower head filters is the Granular Activated Carbon.It has carbon that blocks pollutants from flowing through with water.It then produces less toxic water for use.Chlorgon is the fourth type of shower head filters.Its properties are similar to KDF that converts harmful chlorine into a good substance. It works well in wide range of temperatures.

To conclude, these great innovations are a great solution to create sanitary waters that makes our bodies fresh and healthy.Shower Head filters are mostly beneficial in our hair and skin since it gives out moisture.It also leaves our skin moisturized and softer than before.Hence, shower head filters not only make us look good but also helps us save our money and effort in maintaining a good skin.

Article Tags: Shower Head Filter, Shower Head Filters, Shower Head, Head Filter, Head Filters

A Shower Head Filter Protects You from Chemicals
A Shower Head Filter Protects You from Chemicals
A Shower Head Filter Protects You from Chemicals
A Shower Head Filter Protects You from Chemicals

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