Jumat, 01 Januari 2021

samurai Making your own Homemade Body Scrubs


The homemade body scrub recipes are used to remove dead cells. Body scrubs have always a beauty in which the shower is a fast way to get smooth skin.

Body scrubs of skin having dry, scaly and flaky type of skin. The body scrub can cause due to the overexposure of either heat or cold. This can be seenonce at week. The body scrub contains sea salt, essential oils and groundnuts. The body scrub can supply fatty acids to the skin leading to increased elasticity and a soft shine.

An exfoliating body scrub cleanses your skin. This contains some essential oils which are helpful for the health nourishment.Use a circular motion to buff away dead skin cells and pay extra attention to rough areas like elbows and knees. The homemade body scrubs are inexpensive. The homemade body scrub are made up from by using the natural components. There are three main component in a body scrub and they are exfoliators, carrier oils and essential oils.

There are also so many company products are also available for the body scrub. Body scrubs are also called scratch scrubs.This will feel wonderful and relieve the itching of flaking skin. The homemade body scrub are wonderful and easy to make at home. The effects are immediately visible.

What are the homemade body scrub?

There are so many homemade body scrub receipies are available for te body scrub. Some of them are gven below

  • Body Scrub Recipe - Make body scrub by mixing sea salt with olive oil. Allow the mixture to soak into your skin, massage in, then rinse away.
  • Salt Scrub Recipe - This contains 8 Cups Kosher salt., 2 Cups avocado, untoasted sesame oil or jojoba oil, 1 Cup apricot or peach kernel oil, 1 Cup unsweetened cocoa or Cup freeze dried coffee crystals, 2 Tablespoons vanilla extract honey for smoothing the texture.
  • Brown sugar body scrub - This contains 2 teaspoons brown sugar, 2 teaspoons ground oats , 2 teaspoons aloe vera gel, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 teaspoon almond oil which makes it brown and moist with gentle and easily sloughs off dead skin cells.
  • Almond and Bran Scrub - Mix the almonds and bran. Add the 1 cup hot green tea then stir until the mixture forms a smooth paste. Cool just to body temperature. Add the 10 drops of lavender essential oil thoroughly blending the mixture. Use this scrub once a week.
  • Sugar based body scrub - For every two cups of thoroughly mashed fruit, add a tablespoon of sugar. For extra soothing power, add a tablespoon of rich honey which will give your skin a luxurious shine.
  • Homemade Body Scrub By Oats - Take 1/2 a liter of buttermilk. Take 1/2 a cupful of oats that have been coarsely ground. Add to butter milk. Mix well. Pour in a container and refrigerator for 2 hours. Apply this thick paste all over the body starting from the neck downwards to the arms, torso and legs. Leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water containing lemon juice.
  • Body Scrub - It contains 2/3 cup ground nuts, 1/3 cup oatmeal, brown rice flour, whole wheat flour, enough water to make a paste. Scoop up the paste with your hands or a washcloth, and rub over your body.
  • Exfoliation - Wet your body before shower and take a little paste at a time on your palm. Apply these in a gentle circular motion to remove the dry skin and rinse off with water.

Making your own Homemade Body Scrubs
Making your own Homemade Body Scrubs
Making your own Homemade Body Scrubs
Making your own Homemade Body Scrubs

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