Sabtu, 09 Januari 2021

samurai Planning A Bridal Shower


You confess you've always loved browsing through Victoria's Secret lingerie to give a little something sexy to the latest bride to be. Now you're the one planning the party, whether you're the bride, the maid of honor, or the posse of bridesmaids, invitations are the best place to start.

First of all, decide whether you are throwing a traditional family bridal shower, a bachelorette party, or both. Many brides opt to have a tamer shower with the family, including her fianc's mother, and then have a more intimate evening out with her closest friends. You could plan the shower and follow it by a night on the town, or you could have the two events on separate dates. If you're the maid of honor or the bridesmaids, make sure to discuss these options with the bride to see what she prefers. Spending hours with family may tire her out, and she won't be ready to dance all night at the local salsa club after the shower.

Once you decide on the type of party you're throwing and the estimated number of guests, choose a location. Is this going to be a lavish affair with a catered brunch for 200, or a casual get together for twelve in your living room? If you are not the bride, but throwing it for her, be sure to keep her preferences in mind. You may be an extrovert who would invite the entire town to a lunch at the local bistro, but the bride may prefer something else. Try to plan the shower around the bride's personality and preferences.

After the location is pinpointed, check to see whether the bride has registered for gifts and where. This is vital information for your bridal shower invitations. Not many people like to give random vases and crockery nowadays, and it's important to let guests know where the bride has registered her wish lists.

Now that you've decided the date, the place, the time, and gotten information about the bride's registry, you're ready to choose your invitations. Bridal showers are generally a ladies only affair, although the recent trend of Jack n' Jill showers is catching on. If you're going the traditional route, choose fun and fancy bridal shower invitations like a card shaped as a die-cut gown or a mini handbag. Make scrapbook style invitations for the artsy bride, or choose a graceful bride in a wedding dress for a fancier party. Including a photo of the couple would add a personal touch, or tie on a bow to add some texture.

All in all, the bridal shower invitations set the theme for the party. For Jack n' Jill showers, choose a design that's a little more gender neutral so the guys don't feel intimidated. If the invitation screams, Girl party! then you can guarantee the guys will stay home. Make sure to order and send your bridal shower invitations out early so that guests can save the date.

Planning A Bridal Shower
Planning A Bridal Shower
Planning A Bridal Shower
Planning A Bridal Shower

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